Sweet heart

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The Sweetheart bouquet showcases 10 long-stemmed premium red roses, elegantly wrapped for a timeless gesture of love, perfect for any romantic occasion

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SKU: N/A Category: Valentines Day ♥️



Product Description:
Express your deepest emotions with the Sweetheart bouquet, featuring 10 long-stemmed premium red roses that symbolize love and admiration. Each rose is carefully selected for its lush petals, vibrant color, and impeccable quality, creating a stunning display of elegance and romance.

Perfect for Valentine’s Day, anniversaries, or any heartfelt occasion, the Sweetheart bouquet is wrapped in luxurious paper and tied with an elegant ribbon, ensuring a presentation as captivating as the roses themselves. This timeless arrangement is designed to leave a lasting impression on someone truly special

  • Wrapped elegantly with the option to add a vase
  • Same-day delivery available, including special delivery on Valentine’s Day to Fremantle, Bicton, Attadale, Applecross, Melville, and more


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Without vase, With vase

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